August Update

Thank you to the good folks of the Asian Celebration for inviting us to participate. We made some great new friends!

Also: The Herbalists Without Borders Eugene Chapter August meeting will be Monday August 9, 6:00pm at TreeStead. Contact us to inquire about attending by zoom.

Solidarity Share Fare

Sorry if we missed you at the recent monthly meeting. Its scheduling was an unfortunate flurry. But hey! Next month is coming right up and, barring anymore scheduling blunders, you can expect to be able to meet up on the first Monday of August at 6pm in person or on Zoom. Sign up for the newsletter to be included in next months zoom call!

We joined in on the re-set of Solidarity Share Fair earlier this week and made some new friends too. Thanks for the invitation, NAC. It’s good to be out there with you again.  

July Meet Up and June gratitude

It’s time.

This long long pandemic year is finally easing up a bit for some of us and we have much to be grateful for.

Our regularly scheduled meeting will happen 2 days earlier than usual on Saturday, July 3 at TreeStead in Eugene OR due to complicated summer schedules. We have new volunteers to meet, new/old business to acknowledge, new business to shine light on and old business to put to bed. Whew! Somebody better bring the chocolate. If we’re really organized, we might be able to spark up the new still for a lemon balm distillation event!

Sue and Jet with our Vax Pax care packages

Taking Stock…

Winter’s pandemic collaboration with Huerto de la Familia has provided wellness care to the Latinx community and made some new friends.

After care “Vax Pax” are a big hit at the BIPOC vaccination clinics and we’re asked to make some more through June & July. Contact to get in on this team. We welcome makers and assemblers however, at this point, packet contents are ‘standardized’ and product recipes need to follow our bilingual label ingredients.

We’re headed to the Share Fair on June 29 for the inaugural re-set of specified community care. Stay tuned for developments.

HWBEugene bilingual learning garden project is in development in partnership with Huerto de la Familia.

Great goodness thanks to our donors for contributing to these projects:

Rambling Rose Herb Farm for all the TLC that goes into all those lovely herbals, the on site hospitality and those prolific hens!

Wise Woman Herbals

• Gatlin for her undying confidence in us and her visionary seed planting.

Mountain Rose Herbs

Learning Herbs


The Botanical Bus

Long’s Meat Market for the generous poundage of lamb bones to make bone broth for our family folks who fall ill with covid19, or who valiantly suffer cancer, or who just need some high powered nutrition.

• Sasha at Dr. Price’s Vitamins for the electrolyte packets!

King Medical Supplies for the discount on bulk pricing for thermometers.

• The Vitamin C donation that Sue scrounged up but is determined to remain nameless.

WildRose lip balms in a multitude of flavors.

• Face masks shipped in from one of Jet’s fans.

• The incredible discount at the office supply store that also magically feeds the PTO when we scan that little discount card.

• The cardboard, soil and leaf mulch that covered our garden plot for a soil building year while the learning garden project germinates.

• Our benevolent tech goddess, Ashley, who can snap it all together in this lifetime instead of me trying to do it before my afterlife.

…and all the other unnamed souls who cheer us on and bring us things and share their wisdom… and all the hours of good natured volunteerism that makes all these projects happen!

How’s It Going Out There?


We’ve got things brewing and other shenanigans afoot. Maybe you want to jump in but don’t know how? Email us at or fill out a volunteer form to join in.

Solidarity work is enduring. Thanks for all your contributions and encouragement.

More Vax Pax for BIPOC vaccination clinics

We’ll be assembling Covid-19 vaccination after-care packages, or “Vax Pax,” throughout May for distribution at 2 more vaccination clinics:

May 22 from 9am – 12pm and June 2 from 4pm – 7pm

For more information, contact:

Centro Latino Americano


Huerto de la Familia


Vax Pax for BIPOC vaccinations

Even in a global pandemic, BIPOC folks still don’t have adequate access to timely information and health resources. For the next four months, Centro/Huerto is collaborating with White Bird & Lane County Health to host 4 vaccination clinics and we are pleased to provide after-care wellness packages to everyone that gets vaccinated.

This thing is not over. We still have to work together. You can help: wash your hands, wear your mask over your mouth AND nose, 6′ physical distance, sneeze & cough into your elbow or a tissue. It’s the least we can do.

April Sunshine

Shout out to Evan at Eugene Backyard Farmer for letting us snip a bagful of rosemary for medicine-making! Its abundant and aromatic uses will be a wonderful addition to our repertoire of remedies during this pandemic time of endurance and immune support. Thank you for sharing!

What’s a pandemic without a little solidarity?

Since putting together the relief supplies for the Diné Nation’s devastating bouts of coronavirus last year, we’ve been busy!

Wellness care packs for Huerto Junta Days 2021

We’ve been:

Organizing inventory.

Providing custom care packages to sick Latinx families..

Collaborated in February with Huerto de la Familia to provide 167 wellness packs for their member families during their annual garden registration events.

We’ve received a seed grant from HWB headquarters.

Most recently, we’ve partnered with Huerto to begin developing a bilingual outdoor herbalism classroom at Skinner City Farm. We are very excited to pull the blanket off of that bed and dig in with fresh enthusiasm!

Herbalists Without Borders Community Response Project gathers relief supplies and reports: In Solidarity with the Navajo Nation and to all oppressed…

June 2020

Hey Folks!

As many likely know, stark disparities exist in the impact of Covid-19 on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). This systematic racism and classism results in dramatically disproportionate rates of infection and death from Covid-19 among these communities. For example, data from former months from the Arizona department of health services reported that Native Americans make up 16% of the state’s Covid-19 related deaths, despite representing only 6% of the states population. These disparities are much more likely than the data suggests. 

In the interest of sharing some of the awesome work our team is doing, below is the complete list of medicines that were just shipped to the Diné/Navajo Nation in Arizona as part of our local solidarity efforts with the Diné! 

While we know we can’t undo 500 years of Eurocolonial and post-colonial oppression and genocide committed against these peoples, we’re proud to stand in solidarity.

Strength and resilience to all in these trying times,


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